Office Org For Mac Os X

The best office suite for your Mac

News from 2006

20 December 2006

Start quickly with the most recent versions of Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, OneNote and OneDrive —combining the familiarity of Office and the unique Mac features you love. Work online or offline, on your own or with others in real time—whatever works for what you’re doing. Jun 25, 2004 Mac OS X 10.2 or later. is the leading open-source office software suite for word processing, spreadsheets. 2.1 for the Mac using the X windowing environment is now available to download. There has been a delay in this release due to lack of resources. With this release we have more locales passed QA (Quality Assurance) than ever before on the Mac platform. There will be more locales being Quality Assured in the future.
The Mac download pages have also been updated to make it easier for you to find the download you are looking for.

We have found an issue with the export of PowerPoint Presentations. This is currently being tracked under issue 72571. 2.1 is recommended for all users, as it represents a significant improvement over all previous versions. Among other things:

  • Multiple monitor support for Impress
  • Improved Calc HTML export
  • Enhanced Access support for Base
  • Even more languages
  • Automatic notification of updates

We also have more extensions. Developers everywhere are invited to write extensions. To learn more, visit our Extensions Project.

03 December 2006 (link to photos added 13 December 2006)

Today concludes the 2nd Mac Porters Meeting in Hamburg. The meeting had a variety of developers involved with the Mac Port come together at the Google office's in Hamburg.This meeting has been documented, with the minutes available on Eric Bachard's Blog.Commentary on the 2nd Mac Port Meeting:

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14 November 2006

On november 4th, Apple delivered an X11 update that improved many things. But, due an issue with the fonts, it also broke the suite, the full featured open source office suite and one of the most used X11 software on mac.
On november 14th, Apple published a new update. mac porting team has tested it and confirmed the issue is solved. All the users are encouraged to update to the latest X11 version of 1.1.3. This can be done through the Apple software update or by downloading it from No more action is needed., in the name of its users, thanks Apple for the fast update.

05 November 2006

It has come to our attention that there is a problem in the latest stable releaseof on the Mac and the X11 Update that Apple released on 1 November 2006. The problem is related to the Vera fonts that are relatedto the X11 update. We have found the following solution that will require an administrator user account for each machine concerned. Please followthe following steps which will allow to run again.

  1. Log in as an Administrator (if you haven't already), an Administrator account is created by default when you install Mac OS X or setup your computerfor the first time.
  2. Start the program called Terminal, it is located in the Utilitiesfolder.
  3. Copy and paste the following command into the Terminal window: sudo mkdir -p /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF.bad
  4. You will be asked for your password for the account that you are loggedin under. Type it in, don't worry, your password won't be shown to the world.
  5. Copy and paste the following command into the same Terminal window as above (all on one line): sudo mv /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF/Vera*.ttf /usr/X11R6/lib/X11/fonts/TTF.bad
  6. You should now be able to start normally.

When 2.1 is released, please upgrade as it will not have an issue with this.Apple should also be releasing an updated X11 update soon with the corrected Fonts.
Please take a look at the following issues for more information: 71096.

13 August 2006

Today the Mac Porting Team are releasing forMac OS X (with X windowing) 2.0.4 in English and French.Unfortunately the volunteers who were testing the previous Germanversions have been unable to do the same for 2.0.4. This means thatusers of the German build of for Mac OS X, will have toeither use the English or French versions, or use the untested Germanbuild that is still available.

22 August 2006

Office org for mac os x 10 13 download

Thanks to Alexis Pigeon, the Mac OS X downloadpages have been localised in French. They are available from

If anyone wishes to localise any other pages on the MacPorting Site, please grab the English files from the CVS, and enter theappropriate translations. The naming convention that you will use is <filename>.<languagecode>.html. You will then need to contact Shaun McDonaldto get them added to the web site.

Late August 2006

With great progress in the Mac OS X Aqua port and regularbuilds of the X11 version for both PPC and Intel Macs, the Roadmap has been updated.

August 2006

With the release of the en-US version of now officially supports the Intel based Macs such asMacBook, MacBook Pro and Mac Pro.
Go and downloadyour 2.0.3 today.

May 2006

The growing number of questions on mac porting mailinglistshows us that it's time to help the growing number of OpenOffice.orgNewbies getting installed and not frustrated. Here are the links to our' on Mac OS X How-To' on top of this site. Our thank goesto Eric Bachard for providing the French How-to, to Loic Geslin for theenglish translation, Uwe Altmann for the german translation andeverybody else involved.

If you want to help us please translate the How-to to yournative language. Contact us on this on mac at porting dot openoffice dotorg.

April 2006

There has been some confusion about the relationship and NeoOffice and we would like to clear things up.

Our focus is and must be porting to the Mac. Inthe last year, we have been very successful in getting 2.0 to the MacOS (X11) and our team now includes many. We are further taking the portto Mac Intel, and beta builds are running of this. These are real andimportant accomplishments, and they could not have been done withoutthe support of the community. Our ultimate goal is to fully to Mac OS X on Aqua. For that, we need all the help theMac community can provide.

Direct links to NeoOffice were removed because our focus is, not NeoOffice, which is a derivation basedsubstantially (more than 98 percent) on code. If coding effort is to be successful, we need for users towork directly with us.

We have no argument with NeOffice and wish them the best intheir efforts. Their approach differs from ours but satisfies manyusers. We invite them to work with us in building 2.0.3and beyond and in fully porting to the Mac. We are alsoopen to the idea of collaborating: exchanging ideas and code (whenpossible) in a useful, friendly, and productive way.

We hope this clears up some of the misunderstandings. Again,we invite friendly collaboration and cooperation and would like for theMac community to help us port to Aqua.

If you want to join the fun, go to Mac Porting site Our listis

April 2006

There was a donation of two iMac Intel 20' to for Tino Rachui and one for Stephan Schaefer. These very fastmachines will replace old G3's, which were good but slow machines.

February 2006

First screenshot of svdem. Stephan Schaefer, Florian Heckl and TinoRachui have made svdem work. Svdem is the toy dedicated toexperimentations in vcl. The objectvies is to progressively implementeverything for Carbon/Cocoa port.

February 2006

Beginning with 2.0.2rc1 X11 regular builds forIntel based Macs are avaialable. In order to get them follow the linkto non-qa'ed builds on our downloadsite

Late January, 2006 announced the first build of OpenOffice.org2.0.1 for Mac OS X (X11) that can run natively on the newly releasedMacintosh Intel desktops. No other fully equipped office suite canclaim as much, and ours gives users not just standards compliance butreal interoperability. Led by Éric Bachard, the teamincludes Eric Hoch, NAKATA Maho, Tino Rachui, Sophie Gautier, PavelJaník, David Nedrow, James Mckenzie, Filip Molčan, 'Mox',and many, many others. The group, which created this version in verylittle time indeed, is now eager to move even faster--with your help.Download the build, test it, participate. We are way ahead of theRedmond folks, let's keep it that way!

The builds provided for Intel based Macs are alpha and thusrisky. They only run on Mac-Intel boxes.

January 22nd, 2006

Created a FAQabout NeoOffice and

January 20th, 2006

Starting April 2005, there were several donations made to theMacOSX Porting Team of We would like to extend ourthanks to those who made these donations to the MacOSX Porting Team on this web to MacOSX X11, MacTel (MacOSX for the Intel processorbase) and MacOSX Aqua is easier with these donations.

Last Updated: 2006/08/28 10:30 by Shaun McDonald

  • 1Apple Remote Implementation for Aqua on Mac OS X
    • 1.5Modes (definitions)
  • 2Detailed behavior after appleremote02 will be integrated (Draft)
  • 3Technical part
  • 8Create the cws and commit
    • 8.1Improve

Apple Remote Implementation for Aqua on Mac OS X


The remote, on the above picture, allows to drive applications in fullscreen mode, or in windowed mode, for playing presentations, photos slideshows, play music .. and so on, with the latests computers Apple ships, including Intel processors, but not only.

The most known application running with the remote, is Front Row

There is at least one model running PowerPC processor, the iMac G5 iSight, who is shipped with a remote too.

More information : Apple Remote on Wikipedia


Make the Apple Remote work on Mac OS X, using Impress application with Aqua

Several steps are scheduled (appleremote01, appleremote02 and appleremote03)


Task started early june 2008

CWS name State Date milestone comment Owner QA resp.
appleremote01 ready for QA 21st September 2008 ericb Florian Heckl done
appleremote01 integrated 27th October 2008DEV300_m35 Apple Remote will be in 3.1 ericb Florian Heckl done
appleremote02 created 28th October 2008 DEV300_m37 replace keyCodes,
using MEDIA_COMMAND_* instead
ericb done
appleremote02 Ready for QA January 2009 DEV300_m38 ericb Wolfram Garten done
appleremote02 Integrated January 2009
(should be in 3.1)

ericb Wolfram Garten
appleremote03 planned 14th December 2008 Try to use the
contextual menu
in presentation mode
(preliminary step)
ericb done
appleremote03 created 14th January 2009 DEV300_m39(rebased m38->m39) ericb done
appleremote03 Ready for QA undefined planned : DEV300_mxx ericb

Source Code authors

Initial code who allows the Apple Remote control use, has been written by from Martin Kahr, under the MIT License. This code, who has been put in the new apple_remote module, has been adapted to by Eric Bachard, under the same license.

For further informations, please see : Martin Khar website

Important: to make it work with , the initial code in the cws has been modified a lot. Please use the original code if you want to see the diffs

Note: the existing code allows to use the Keyspan remote device. If you have such device, please provide us feedback and help us to make it work

Modes (definitions)

The current implementation is described below. If you have a better idea (not too complicated though), please tell us.

1) Mode not presenting

(Normal Mode kUIModeNormal -> see MacApplication.h)

This mode means, windows and frames are displayed.

If you have choosen to run the prosentation in Windowed mode, the remote works like if you are in fullscreen (since appleremote02)

Else, just play will work, and start the presentation in fullscreen.

2) Mode Presentation

Starting point: fullscreen, slide 1 is displayed, presentation paused (default). From presentation mode, can be reached any slide, using the menu (used as a right click)

Or :

The current window has been extended in all the screen (using CTRL+shift +J), just hidding the window , borders,the menubar and the dock.

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This is a window-less mode, aka fullscreen mode, known as the usual mode for presentation.

3) LIST_MODE (will be implemented in appleremote03)


What follows is just a draft: means there is no guarantee it will work as expected, and will need a lot of tests.

Expected behavior: in list mode or in menu mode: [right], [left], [+] or [-] buttons allow to browse the contextual menu

Important : this feature works in parallel with other events from mouse or keyboard

To trigger the contextual menu :

Hit menu key when on fullscreen (during the presentation) :

  • pauses the presentation
  • makes the contextual menu appear

Hit the menu key entry again or escape :

  • removes the contextual menu
  • resumes, and the presentation continues

To navigate :

Hit the - key goes down in the menu when possible

Hit the +key goes up in the menu when possible

Hit the right (forward) key goes right in the menu when possible

Hit the left (backward) key goes left in the menu when possible

To validate an item :

Hit the key play/pause, in LIST_MODE, means when a menu appears, or type enter :

  • validates the highlighted menu item, when corresponding to an existing possibility

4) Other mode : Presenter Screen extension

So nice, that you must install it :-)

This is not a mode, but more a feature, allowing you to read your notes on the laptop, while the slides are displayed .. etc

Download the extension, install it, and in the diaporama properties, don't forget to choose screen 2 for the presentation screen (else you'll see the presenter screen on the public screen and the presentation on your laptop / screen :-)

Other definitions

short key stroke: short key hit, inferior to 0,4 second

long key stroke: obtained when the key is maintained hit more than 0,4 second

Detailed behavior after appleremote02 will be integrated (Draft)

Mode not presenting (aka Windowed mode)

Either :


and if the Windowed mode is selected in the preferences :

=> Hit |> || symbol (namely: play /pause button) starts the presentation,
and every button of the remote work in Windowed mode (excepted the play/pause button).
Hold Play button quits the presentation
Office Org For Mac Os X

else :

Hit the Play button will start the presentation at the current slide (common use)


Another application is focused (is the active Window) :
Writer, or Calc or Draw, or Base document is focused and is in NOT in fullscreen :
=> hit any button on the remote does nothing, the keyboard works as usual


Writer document is focused and is in fullscreen (using CMD+shift+J) :
=> hit any button on the remote does nothing, the keyboard works as usual


Calc Document is focused and is in fullscreen (using CMD+shift+J):
=> hit any button on the remote does nothing, the keyboard works as usual

Base document:


Draw document:


Mode Presentation

  • Hit Page backward ( |<< symbol ) or + button ( Volume down) gives Previous page (if existing)
  • Hit Page forward ( >>| symbol) or - button (Volume up) gives Next page (if existing)
  • longHit Page backward ( |<< symbol ) gives First page
  • long Hit Page forward ( >>| symbol) gives Last page
  • Play : toggle play/pause button can play pause automatic presentation


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NOT YET IMPLEMENTED (will be in appleremote03 cws)

1) + / - button can increase / decrease sound volume (very unsure, because some Apple black magic seems to lock that buttons)

2) Hit menu key simulates right click -> gives the contextual menu in presentation mode => opens the LIST MODE

3) hold play (long hit) allows to choose a list of presentations, in some default dir (like Front Row does) )

4) in LIST_MODE (available in presentation mode only)

  • normal stroke: [right], [left], [+] or [-] browses the contextual menu
  • play validates the choice ( ends the LIST_MODE )
  • stroke menu : simulates escape and ends the LIST_MODE

Note: go to the first/last slide can be achieved using the contextual menu

Technical part

FIXME: the information below needs important cleanup

Make it buildable

Done. With the current code, no warnings, everything is delivered as expected.

  • in apple_remote module (build triggered in postprocess)
  • in vcl : apple_remote module has been added as a dependancy
  • in scp2 ( libAppleRemotemx{i | p}.dylib has been added in the package

Integrate the code in for Mac OS X

Done :

Concerned modules :

  • external (Apple Remote code will be there due to the MIT License )
  • scp2 : libAppleRemotemxi.dylib has to be packaged
  • vcl : MainControler object and notifications are detected by the NSApplication in all its life + add apple_remote module as dependancy
  • postprocess : build apple_remote module
  • sd : implement the MEDIA_COMMAND part, add the eventListener, remove it, and add missing features

Code :

  • created external/apple_remote tree. To check out the module (until it is integrated) : cvs co apple_remote
  • created the makefile, links against IOKit framework
  • modified prj/build.lst to build external/AppleRemote
  • modified prj/d.lst to deliver the headers in the solver (vcl will need them) and deliver libAppleRemotemxi.dylib
  • build is ok : no warning (fixed the static issue, and all the other warnings , made the code more robust)
  • in vcl : modified the makefile ( linking against libAppleRemotemxi.dylib ), added mpMainController member in SalData ( saldata.hxx ),

initialized mpMainController in the SalData Ctor, added the MainController initialization in initNSApp() (salinst.cxx)

  • release mpMainController in saltada destructor
  • Packaging works as expected, and works fine with the new lib included in the archive

Done :

Remote Control initialized, and reports finely all events.

Global Keyboard works

Multi click should work too

Current logs :


The remote is active when one window has the focus. Using the Finder ( Apple + TAB ) deactivates it, and then Front Row becomes again available. The application no longer receives the events when Front Row is active.

Select another application gives :

Note: the keys are extracted from the userInfo dictionary

Select again in front gives:


  • alias for apple_remote in external created by Martin Hollmichel (see issue 92739 )
  • code commited
  • cws appleremote01 created ( Florian Heckl will QA it)
  • all known issues fixed. Remains: better keycode mapping
  • final design for final implementation in progress


  • infos about contextual menu emulation
  • feedback for the Keyspan remote
  • feedback for the current Design

Intercept events with the remote, and trace

Adding some NSLog at the right place, we have the numerical values returned by the remote:

  • + as value '2'
  • - is seen as value '4'
  • Menu button is seen as the value '8'
  • |> || (play pause) as value '16'
  • >>| is seen as value '32'
  • <<| is seen as '64'
  • long hold with key Menu (kRemoteButtonMenu_Hold) is seen as value '512'
  • long hold with key Play (kRemoteButtonPlay_Hold) is seen as value '1024'
  • long hold with key Backward (kRemoteButtonLeft_Hold) is seen as value '2048'
  • long hold with key Forward (kRemoteButtonRight_Hold) is seen as value '4096'

Important: when in Front Row mode, the events are seen too, and accordingly to the link below, there is a way to programaticaly enable / disable it.

Do not work :

  • long hold with key Plus (kRemoteButtonPlus_Hold) is seen as value '128'
  • long hold with key Minus (kRemoteButtonMinus_Hold) is seen as value '256'

Added kRemoteButtonNone, for button initialization

Started :

vcl bindin using ImplHandleAppCommand()

Missing (to be added ?) :

// Missing : case kRemoteButtonMenu:

case kRemoteButtonMenu_Hold:

case kRemoteButtonPlay_Hold:

case kRemoteButtonRight_Hold:

case kRemoteButtonLeft_Hold:

case kRemoteControl_Switched:

Office Org For Mac Os X 10 13 Download


Done :

case kRemoteButtonPlay

case kRemoteButtonLeft

case kRemoteButtonRight

case kRemoteButtonMinus

case kRemoteButtonPlus


  • bind with vcl events
  • make it work
  • improve
  • make it work also with OOo Presenter extension

XSlideShowController use

  • Since another solution has been used, what follows it there for information, as developer note

Philipp Lohmann presented me Andre Fisher, the specialist of the thing. Andre kindly explained me where start :

From Andre mail :

bind with vcl events


First basic implementation works :

  • play
  • quit presentation mode
  • next slide
  • previous slide
  • first slide
  • last slide
  • up : volume up does not work with the current implementation, but is replaced with previous slide
  • down: volume down does not work with the current implementation, but is replaced with next slide

Missing :

  • contextual menus

Make it work

Office Org For Mac Os X 10.7


Create the cws and commit

DONE: file the issue, and ask mh the alias to be created. (maybe things are more easy now ?)


  • Did Apple document the API since ?
  • Document how things are working [started]
  • Does an Impress Controller API exist ?
  • Find where the events are managed in slideshow (or sd) ? [ask Thorsten]
  • Contact Andre Fisher, the specialist of the thing (following Philipp Lohmann recommandations), and see how marry the remote with the presenter screen

Code description

Files :

Mac Os X Update


Office Org For Mac Os X 10.13

Using different devices

Right now the wrapper ships with support for three devices:

  • [works] AppleRemote: Apple Remote Control
  • [works] GlobalKeyboardDevice: Registers global keyboard shortcuts to provide a virtual remote control
  • [untested, no feedback yet] KeyspanFrontRowControl: Keyspan RF Remote for FrontRow


People involved

Name OOo Nickname Role
Eric Bachard ericb Development
Philipp Lohmann pl Code review (vcl, apple_remote)
Christian Lippka cl Code review (sd, MEDIA_COMMAND )
Andre Fischer af Code review (sd)
Florian Heckl fheckl QA appleremote01
Wolfram Garten wg QA appleremote02
xxxx xxxx User Experience
Eric Bachard ericb Documentation
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